Monday, May 25, 2009



BIG changes to the exemption list, due to errors on PowerSchool. If you have any questions, see me outside of class.

Mr. McGravey

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

SOPHOMORES: Sacraments Info.

In place of a study guide for Thursday's 'quest,' please find information you'll need to study here.

First, please download the following document here. We have discussed the main topics of these notes on the board over the past few days.

- General Background
- Be able to identify which "group" the various sacraments belong to
- Be able to identify various scripture passages & the sacraments which correspond to said passages
- Know the four (4) necessary components for the sacraments to be valid
- Be able to discuss the differences between the early church sacraments vs. the modern church sacraments (specifically regarding baptism, eucharist, and marriage).

- Know the necessary requirements / formula for the sacrament
- Know the O.T. & N.T. references for baptism
- Be able to identify the understanding of "Original Sin" and baptism
- How does baptism make us part of the priesthood of believers?

- Know the necessary requirements / formula for the sacrament
- Know the relationship between ordained men and the sacrament
- Be able to identify the relationship between the rise in the world's population & the decrease in the ordained priesthood. Where is the biggest increase and why?
- Know the difference between Transubstantiation & Consubstantiation
- Know the differences between the Catholic Church teaching, John Zwigli, Martin Luther, and John Calvin.
- Recognize the steady decline in the number of individuals who attend weekly liturgy within the U.S. and Europe.

Additionally, a PowerPoint will be posted below:

Mr. McGravey

FRESHMEN: Joshua Notes

In place of a study guide for Thursday's 'quest,' this PowerPoint will take it's place.

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